Stackie.AI is a life logger, with cool customized widgets.

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Log, track, recall, reflect.


Understand Stackie

We believe in the power of logging and tracking, with structured logs.

A log is a piece of information, but structured. It is somewhere between “note” and “table”.

In nerds’ word, this is one row of the database.

A stack, is like a smart folder, stacking logs under the same structure.

In nerds’ words, it is a database.

demo 1.png

Dashboard and customized widget

Widgets are customized by your own in Stackie.

Usually it connects with your stack. For instance, You have a stack logging about 2025 new year resolutions. Create a widget by asking "How's my new year resolutions going?" Sometimes it relies on basic knowledge. Try asking: "Is today Friday?" and get a weekend checking widget!

demo 3.png

What can Stackie do?

Log, organized.

Stack can be used to quickly log down:

demo 1.png

demo 6.png

Track with widget, everywhere.

Widgets can be generated via simply chatting and texting.

You can

  1. Get a customized setup — in-app or on home screen.

demo 4.png